Make a better burger with Cast Iron

If you’ve known me for more than 3 minutes, you know that I like to grill.  I also like a really good burger (see Stufz).  The best burgers I’ve ever had weren’t cooked on a grill.  How could that be?

Cast Iron Magic

The secret to a fantastic burger is to cook it on cast iron.  You could use a cast iron skillet.  I use a griddle.  I put it on the grill right over the coals and let it heat up.  Add a small amount of butter or oil and drop the burger patties on it.

Burgers on a cast iron griddle

The Restaurants’ Secret

Why are restaurant burgers so good?  The flat top grill.  You can replicate that flavor and texture.  There are a couple of benefits to cooking on a cast iron griddle over a charcoal fire.  First, there are no flareups because the grease from the meat isn’t dripping onto the hot coals.  Second, you can actually sear the meat without burning it.

When cooking over charcoal, you get the added benefit of real smoke flavor.

Go from Beginner to Expert

A common problem for backyard grillers is overcooking some of their food and undercooking the rest.  Cast iron does a great job of creating balanced, consistent heat.  There are no hot spots.  It is all about the same temperature.  This characteristic makes it very user friendly.

Dig that cast iron skillet out of the basement and put it to good use.  You won’t regret it.

How do you prefer to cook your burgers?

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About Raun Lauterbach

Optimistic realist, life enthusiast, outdoor cook, Midwest traveler, husband, father... Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | Get updates in your email
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  • James Dibben

    We have a couple of cast iron skillets to use inside. Are those too thick?

  • Raun Lauterbach

    Nope! The thickness is actually to your advantage. It helps to maintain even heat. Give it a try!

  • James Dibben

    Is the flavor still better than if you use the skillet on the stove top in the kitchen?

  • Raun Lauterbach

    I have 2 answers for this. First, I charcoal does add a different flavor. If you prefer gas grills, There’s probably not much of a difference in taste.
    I’d still opt to do it outside, especially in the summer, to keep from heating the house up too much.

  • James Dibben

    Thanks for the extra info!

  • Raun Lauterbach

    My pleasure!