Current Hard Work

The Hard Work Network

The problem with “About” pages on most websites is they never get updated.  You can never tell if what is stated is the current reality or throwback to days gone by.  My friends, James Dibben and Josh Bulloc are trying to change this.  The solution?  The Current Hard Work page.  The purpose of this page is to keep track of projects I’m working on and to create some level of accountability.  If anything stays on this list too long, call me out.  Sometimes I need a kick in the pants.

Current Hard Work Projects:

Continual Effort Projects:

  • Create content for this blog at least 1day a week. (A second post every once in a while is a possiblity)
  • Create at least 1 outdoor cooking tutorial each month
  • Do a better job of showcasing people and products I believe in

Do It Once Projects:

  • Seek out outdoor cooking and backyard lifestyle product inventors to help them market their products. (Business opportunity?)
  • Improve sales performance of Shop products (Keep building momentum)
  • Create helpful, content rich products to help people live the Backyard Life
  • Baby related projects:  Paint and furnish the nursery, get the rest of the house ready, finish lingering projects before it’s too late.  :)
  • Focus on taking care of Liz and Timothy.  Raise a happy healthy little boy.
  • Continue toward my goal of reading 12 books this year.
  • Figure out life as a family of 3.

Join Us!

Do you want to have more accountability to get things done?  Consider becoming a part of the Hard Work Network.  You can find graphics like the one at the top of this page at

If you choose to join, go to and fill out the form.  James will take care of you.  Let’s form a community to encourage, persuade, and inspire each other to get the hard work done.  To send a message to the Hard Work Network community on Twitter, be sure to use hashtag #HWN.  Save a search for hashtag #HWN to see have other members’ tweets to show up in your Twitter stream.

  • James Dibben

    Great list Raun! I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.

  • Raun Lauterbach

    Thanks, James! Let’s see what we can all accomplish now that we’re being transparent about the hard work we need to do. I’ve sure done a great job of putting things off and now it’s time to pay the piper.

  • Raun Lauterbach

    Thanks, James.  I’m looking forward to crossing things off the list.  I’m sure there are plenty more projects to add!

  • James Dibben

    Well, hard work is a lifestyle, not just an event!

    Way to go!

  • Hard Work – Defined | Backyard Life Blog

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  • Raun Lauterbach

    Very true!

  • Brandon Smith

    Howdy!  This is a great concept!  I think as a part time writer (definitely not my day job…) having some accountability when it comes to keeping up with the blogs (I made it plural… I must be nuts…) is key. Otherwise it might be a month before a post is done. Anyway, great job and look forward to seeing the new content!

  • Raun Lauterbach

    I agree! It’s amazing how effective the Current Hard Work page has been at reminding me what my commitments are. It’s so easy to let things slide when nobody knows your intentions. I think I fell short of my 3 posts a week commitment once since I put it out there. I don’t feel too bad about it though because I posted new content 4 times in the week before and the week after, so I’m still ahead. :) If you’d like to join the Hard Work Network, go here: