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Apple Cider Soda Syrup, say that five times fast
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I’ve always had an interest in the nostalgia of the soda fountain. The idea of carbonated beverages mixed in the same manner as cocktails appeals to me, especially since cocktails don’t. While searching for syrup recipes, I came across this … Continue reading
Posted in Camping, Outdoor Cooking
Tagged apple cider, beverage, dinner, drink, lunch, primo flavorstation, recipe, soda syrup
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How to grill a restaurant quality hamburger at home
Have you ever been disappointed by a hamburger made at home? You know, you’re expecting it to taste like something fresh of the flat top of the local dive bar, but it taste like… nothing. There are some things you … Continue reading
What to cook for your 4th of July Celebration
The Fourth of July is the pinnacle of the outdoor cooking season. It’s a national holiday, a day off work for many, and a good excuse to fire up the grill (or smoker, or fire pit, or campfire…). There are … Continue reading
Cheesy Bacon Ranch Dutch Oven Red Potatoes
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Sometimes the right side dish can make the meal. These cheesy bacon ranch dutch oven red potatoes are one of those side dishes. There are only 4 ingredients and it goes together quickly. Besides, what could be bad about potatoes, … Continue reading
Posted in Camping, Outdoor Cooking
Tagged bacon, cheese, dinner, lunch, ranch, recipe, red potato, side dish
What to do with leftover pulled pork
When I fire up the smoker, I want to get my money’s worth so I fill it up. Last time, I needed about 1 and a half pork butts for the cook I did for the Relay for Life team. … Continue reading
Party-size Chipotle-style Guacamole
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If a little bit of fresh guacamole is good, a lot of it is great! This recipe tastes just like the green gold from Chipotle and comes together in about 10 minutes. Ingredients: 4 Hass Avocados 1 Jalapeño pepper, seeded … Continue reading
Honey Chipotle Glazed Boneless Chicken Thighs | Product Review
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I received a pack of Urban Accents Santa Fe BBQ Dryglaze as a gift. It had been sitting in the drawer for a while and I got the itch to try it. I’m glad I did because it’s fantastic on … Continue reading
Dutch Oven Baked Red Potatoes
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These dutch oven baked red potatoes make an easy side dish for any dinner. Prepping goes quickly and they cook in about an hour. I made these to go with some grilled honey chipotle glazed boneless chicken thighs and it … Continue reading
Posted in Camping, Outdoor Cooking
Tagged baked, cast iron, dinner, dutch oven, potato, recipe, side dish
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Step back in time to find new ideas: 18th century cooking
One of the things that draws me to outdoor cooking is the immense history of it. A long time ago, some wild beast ended up on a fire and it was good. Ever since, we’ve been trying new things to … Continue reading