Make your own parchment dutch oven liner

One of the main reasons people shy away from using cast iron is because they are afraid of the cleanup.  The easy way around this is to make your own parchment dutch oven liners.

I first saw this method used on  “Lid Lifter” uses these liners in almost all of his dutch oven baking.  It looked so slick that I had to give it a try.  It works great!  Here’s how to make your own.

You’ll need a roll of parchment paper.  I use an 18 inch wide roll.  It seems to work better than the narrow rolls.

Parchment paper is coated with silicone.  The nice thing about parchment paper is that it is nonstick, but it is not waxy.  The problem with aluminum foil is that it can change the flavor of the food you are cooking.  Parchment doesn’t impart any flavor.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerTear off a sheet of parchment paper that is a few inches larger that the diameter of your dutch oven.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerFold the paper in half.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerFold it in half again.  Your parchment paper should now be a square.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerFold the paper in half diagonally.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerFold the paper in half again, maintaining a pointed end.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerPlace the pointed end of the paper into the center of your dutch oven.  Mark the height you want your liner to go with a finger or pen.  This is where we’ll cut off the excess.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerUsing scissors or a very sharp knife, cut along your mark.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerUnfold your liner and place it in your dutch oven.  It may be necessary to crease the fold around the edge to allow it to lay flat against the sides.

Parchment Paper Dutch Oven LinerNow you’re ready to bake and cleanup is simple!

Question:  What tricks do you use to make your cast iron cooking easier?

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About Raun Lauterbach

Optimistic realist, life enthusiast, outdoor cook, Midwest traveler, husband, father... Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | Get updates in your email
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  • Lindsay

    We use lettuce leaves with fish. Makes a pretty presentation and keeps the fish from sticking

  • Raun Lauterbach

    That sounds like a great idea! Would you be willing to share a recipe or two? What kinds of fish do you use?

  • Bob Mothaflockin Ueckerlele

    This is especially useful for folks who do no-knead bread. Proof right in the pot, transfer to a similar size vessel to heat the dutch oven, drop it right back in when heated and you’ll know it fits.