We, members of the Hard Work Network, are trying a new thing. We are putting a quarterly deadline on our Current Hard Work lists. This serves a couple of purposes. One, it provides a built in deadline. Two, it keeps the list from stagnating. Always move forward. That’s the goal.
I really didn’t do a very good job of crossing things off my list since January, so I’m ready for a fresh start. Take a look at my Current Hard Work list for the second quarter of 2012.
Join Us!
Do you want to have more accountability to get things done? Consider becoming a part of the Hard Work Network. You can find graphics like the one at the top of this page at http://bluecollarliving.com/current-hard-work.
If you choose to join, go to http://bluecollarliving.com/hardwork and fill out the form. James will take care of you. Let’s form a community to encourage, persuade, and inspire each other to get the hard work done. To send a message to the Hard Work Network community on Twitter, be sure to use hashtag #HWN. Save a search for hashtag #HWN to see have other members’ tweets to show up in your Twitter stream.