Current Hard Work Update March 28, 2012

I have 2 updates today.  One is about past performance and the other is a new opportunity.

Last update, I mentioned that I marched past my goal of $500 of Ebay sales within a rolling 60 day period.  Well, as of right now, I’m $5 away from doubling that goal.  How cool is that!?  Next goal?  $1500.  We’ll see if I can make that happen.  I’m working on expanding my product line and working on getting better pricing to enable me to improve my margins on sold goods.

Ebay sales snapshot

I also have a health related update.  Since I started working out, I’ve lost about 8 pounds and I’ve improved my diet.  I’ve also eaten several vegetarian meals recently that were quite satisfying, so I’d like to explore that a bit more.

Now, the new opportunity.  At work, we are having a bit of a competition to get people moving.  Here’s how it works:

If, from April 1st through May 12th, I work out for at least 10 hours, I get a new gym bag.  No big deal, but I wouldn’t turn it down.

Next, if I work out for 30 hours during those 6 weeks, I get an 8gb Ipod Nano.  Not bad.  I’d take it.

Finally, the 3 people that get the most exercise during that time time frame get a gift card to their favorite sporting goods store.  First place is worth $500, second is $250, and third is $100.

Every Monday, all the participants have to submit their time sheets indicating how much they exercised and those results will be shared with each other.

I’m not sure I’ll make it into the top 3, but we’ll see.  Softball season is right around the corner, so there is a bunch of time between games and practice.  I’ll also continue working out.  I don’t think I’ll have too much trouble hitting the 30 hour mark.

Maybe my goal should be 60 hours in 6 weeks.  Maybe I’d drop some more weight!

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About Raun Lauterbach

Optimistic realist, life enthusiast, outdoor cook, Midwest traveler, husband, father... Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | Get updates in your email
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