
About me

Hi, I’m Raun Lauterbach and I live in Saint Paul, MN with my wife, Liz,  and 2 cats.  I spent most of a decade being surrounded by products and people that helped shape my hobbies and interests.  Some of my favorite things to do are outdoor cooking, barbecuing and grilling, playing softball, and camping.  I feel at home watching the sun rise after crawling out of a tent and boiling water for coffee on a camp stove.

Up to this point, I haven’t done enough of any of these things.  After the miscarriage of our only child, Samantha, I realized I had spent too much time making excuses for not doing what I needed to do, so this blog is my record of the change I have had in my spirit.  Life doesn’t have to be taken so seriously and there is time to do what you love.  (To learn the story of losing our only child in my wife’s voice and for miscarriage resources, please visit MyInfantLoss.com)

About this blog

I started this blog as a way to share my knowledge and expertise in some of my hobbies.  I also have a lot to learn so I’ll document new ideas, new ways of doing things and my experiences with new gear and products.  I’ve never been accused of being long-winded and I intend to keep it that way.

Living the Backyard Life is all about living life to the fullest.  Spend time with friends and family.  Experience new things.  Have fun.  It’s sipping lemonade on a porch swing.  It’s playing catch with the kids.  It’s being a tourist in your own town.  It’s about spending time communing with nature.  It’s bringing more to life than working the 9-5.

Please share your experiences.  I’d like to hear about them!

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More posts about me and how I operate

More about me and where I’m going
Hard Work – Defined
A Kaizen Approach to Life

  • Williamdooley1

    I worked for Leading Edge Computer  of Canton Mass in the 1980’s.

  • http://www.backyardlifeblog.com Raun Lauterbach

    Cool! I got to be well versed in your products. Thanks for stopping by!

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