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What is Quality? — Let’s Blog Off
Quality is an interesting thing. Many people claim to have “an eye for quality.” I think it goes deeper than being able to spot well-made products with hefty price tags. Anyone can do that. From my perspective, if something lasts … Continue reading
Posted in Raun's Blog
Tagged #letsblogoff, cheeky monkey, let's blog off, quality, satisfied, value
Camera Therapy — Let’s Blog Off
Growing up in my family, vacation usually meant traveling around the great lakes to photograph lighthouses. I frequently followed behind my dad with my mom’s SLR camera and lugging camera bags. Liz and I have continued this tradition. Sure, the … Continue reading
Posted in Raun's Blog
Tagged #letsblogoff, camera therapy, let's blog off, life, live, photography, travel
Stuffed? Not anymore! — Let’s Blog Off!
Every two weeks, bloggers from around the world contribute their thoughts on a given topic. This time around, the topic is “Thanksgiving food memories.” Here’s mine: This story takes place about 20 years ago and it has come up every … Continue reading
Posted in Raun's Blog
Tagged #letsblogoff, food, let's blog off, memories, thanksgiving, throw up, vomit
I want to be a firetruck! — Let’s Blog Off
Every other week, a bunch of bloggers from different backgrounds all give their take on the same topic. This time around it is “What did you want to be when you grew up?” When you ask a child what they … Continue reading
Posted in Raun's Blog
Tagged #letsblogoff, baseball, be, fire truck, firetruck, grow up, let's blog off, manage, player, softball
Home is what you make of it
What is home? Home could be a lot of things. Is it a place? A storage unit? A gathering spot? A cafeteria? Being with family and friends? I’ve had the privilege of living in several different places in a few … Continue reading