Mojo Monkey Donuts Review

We finally made our first trip to Mojo Monkey Donuts and it was worth the wait! It’s not a secret that I love a good donut. You can judge a donut shop by how well they make a plain cake donut.

Mojo Monkey Handmade Donuts and Coffee

The plain cake donut from Mojo Monkey Donuts has a great texture.  It’s soft and chewy, yet has a good crumb.  It also has a little something extra added to the dough to give it more flavor.

Mojo Monkey Donuts Menu

They have an extensive offering, however, since the donuts are made by hand in small batches, there are only a dozen or so varieties available at any one time.  On the plus side, if you wait around for 10 or 15 minutes, the selection has changed.  Yes, that is how fast they sell.  They also offer several coffee drinks and hot chocolate.

Mojo Monkey Variety of Donuts

We tried 6 different donuts on this trip:  The vanilla creme bismarck, the aforementioned plain cake, cake with vanilla icing, apple dumpling, red velvet, and powdered sugar.

I don’t normally go for the raised donuts, but I’m glad I did get the vanilla creme bismarck.  The raised dough had good yeasty flavor, which surprised me.  It tastes like a bakery smells, if that makes sense.  The creme filling is also outstanding — smooth and with just enough body so it doesn’t drip and also not full of air like a whipped cream.

All of the donuts were fabulous.  You can tell they use good ingredients by how much flavor the donuts have.They range in price from 99 cents up to about two dollars.  If you have the time (chances are you’ll have to wait in line) it is worth stopping in.

On the weekends they serve up beignets, hot and made to order!

Get there early because they usually sell out.

Here’s a short video showing what you can expect when you visit:

You can find Mojo Monkey Donuts at and follow them on Twitter @MojoDonuts.  They are located at 1169 7th Street West, Saint Paul, MN 55102.


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About Raun Lauterbach

Optimistic realist, life enthusiast, outdoor cook, Midwest traveler, husband, father... Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | Get updates in your email
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  • Amymomof3girls

    We love Mojo Monkey Donuts – we go there a lot for a nice donut! My girls love the vanilla icing one and the powdered sugar.